That moment you found out it’s a missing curly bracket after looking into your code for the longest time to find that syntax error, ever had a problem like that before? looking for one missing bracket is a pain in the neck especially if your code is anything longer than one page, try look for the missing bracket in spaghetti code with horrible style/format, that thing come back and haunt you like a nightmare. Why? Because going through code line by line to find something is just so much harder and slower than replying on the coding pattern to find a certain thing. The tidiness of coding is the key to make life easier.
Many IDEs or online coding environments provides formatting clean up function, such as Eclipse provides function to tidy up Java code, and JsFiddle tidies up code in Javascript. Since I am currently using Javascript in Intellij, I am using ESlint to do the tidy-check. Still very new to this tool, I am in the process of figuring out if I like it. The common thing about a lot of tidy-tools besides they put code in patterned style is that a lot people found it disturbing when the tidy-tools won’t do a custom format. Tidy-tools sure helps in keeping a consistent pattern in coding style, it makes code very good looking and easy to read. It is also very common to hear reviews such as “I want each of my bracket to have a whole line instead of starting my first bracket in the end of a line of code”, or “I want my functions to be in multiple lines instead of one line when I use the arrow sign”, etc. It’s too common to hear this kind of review because most tidy-tools tidy up codes in its preset format.
Regarding the amazing benefit a tidy-tool could bring us, I can never say I dislike a tidy-tool. But I have full empathy on how people are bothered by the inflexible of its formatting, because nobody likes tidy-tools to randomly switch up a coding style that had already been set up.